Saturday, March 10, 2018

Microsoft Outlook - Create a Calendar Entry from an Email using Quick Steps

If you are using the desktop version of Outlook, be sure to check out Quick Steps.  There are some predefined shortcuts in the list for saving time on repetitive tasks, like emailing the same group of people or automatically moving emails to a specified folder. You can even create your own Quick Steps!  I created a Quick step to turn an email message into a calendar appointment.  Here’s how:
  1. Open Microsoft Outlook Email.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Quick Steps group, click, “Create New”.
  3. In the Name box, give your Quick Step a name, like, “Appt from email
  4. In the Actions dropdown, select, “Create an appointment with text of message”.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. The Quick Step appears in the Quick Step selection box by the name you assigned.

  • To use your new Quick Step, view an email that you want to convert to a calendar appointment. On the Home tab, click the Quick Step name, i.e. Appt from email. The calendar window opens with the email message displayed.  Set the date/time, edit the subject if necessary, and then click Save & Close. The appointment appears on your calendar with the email content included.
The Quick Step will be there anytime you want to convert an email to an appointment!