Friday, May 1, 2015

Microsoft Word - Insert the File Path to the Footer

I often print Word documents that I have saved and then forget where I saved them.  If you insert the file path in the footer, you will always know where the file is saved.  Here's how:
  1. Open the document in Word.
  2. Click the Insert tab of the Ribbon.
  3. Click Footer > Edit Footer.
  4. On the Header & Footer Tools - Design tab of the Ribbon, click Document Info.> Field
  5. Select FileName.
  6. Under Field Options, click the checkbox, "Add path to filename".
  7. Click OK.
When you print the document, you will see the complete file path in the footer, of where you have saved the file.

NOTE:  These instructions apply to Word 2007, 2010, and 2013.


  1. nice write up. more Microsoft Word tips & Hidden Features.

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