Listed below are the keys and their function and which browser uses it:
- F1 - Help (IE)
- F3 - Find - type in the Find box to find a word on the current webpage. (IE)
- F4 - Selects Address Bar and shows history (IE)
- F5 - Refreshes webpage (IE and Firefox)
- F6 - Selects Address Bar only (IE)
- F7 - Turns Caret Browsing on and off. This feature puts a moveable cursor in the webpage so that you can select text using the keyboard (shift + arrow keys) instead of selecting with the mouse. (IE)
- F10 - Selects or displays the menu bar if it is not showing. (IE and Firefox)
- F11 - Makes the view Full Screen and hides the address bar. Press F11 again to turn it off. (IE and Firefox)